Saturday, April 25, 2015

Crazy "What Ifs" are what books are made of

Hello all! It's Saturday, which means that I, Kathryn, get to think up a blog post really quickly and spew crazy nonsense that hopefully resembles something comprehensible! (Note to self: Always shore up blog topic ideas!).

Speaking of crazy nonsense, crazy questions are part of the writing process. As shown to everyone from my last post, I can get kind of, well, crazy with crazy questions. My most recent ones have been if people from different locations chew differently, if a fruit pollinated by a poisonous does that make the fruit poisonous (hello lack of biology it's nice to meet you), and also if perhaps I could make a book about werewolves that go out every thunderstom.

Back on topic, the novel that I'm slowly editing was spurred by a single crazy question: What if a town was taken over using robotic plastic flamingos? From that random, wacko wondering of an idea a story formed, one that I'm plugging away at even when I am able to write on it approximately every three days.

So embrace your weird writer self! I read somewhere (Read: Some pin on Pinterest) that all books begin with a question, a What If. What if vampires were justice enforcers? What if the rabbits are a conspiracy from space? Take your 'what if's' and write them down! If now is not the time for the story, let that crazy pondering mull around, and when you begin to write it the idea will have matured some.

Have any of your books come from crazy What If questions? Or are you sitting on a What If nest egg idea, just waiting for the idea to ripen?

Be weird, my lovelies, and you'll see me again next Saturday!


  1. Well, at least all of my crazy wonderings about the world will be good for something, lol.
    One of my crazy What If's goes is: "What if you were a different person everyday?" I have no idea where something like this would go, but it seems kind of interesting.


    1. You know, that's a super great What If that I've also pondered some... like what if when you went out of the shower from one side versus another a whole new alternate universe was created... LOL, at the very least crazy wonderings provide amazing story ideas!

    2. Wow. That's an interesting one. I wonder how you'd make that into a story, though...
      And yeah, lol. At least they're good for that!

  2. Good idea to spur. ^ ^ "What if Little Red Riding Hood hunted werewolves?" and "What if there were kids with animal powers?" inspired two of my current projects. ^ ^

    Stori Tori's Blog

    1. Hi Victoria, thanks commenting!! Wow, those ideas are super amazing- quite the twist with the Red Riding Hood one! Sounds very interesting. :3

    2. Thank you. ^ ^
