Thursday, May 28, 2015

Swept to Sea Review

I'll freely admit that I was pleasantly surprised by Swept to Sea, by Heather Manning.

I'm not typically one for romance stories-- I find them a little frivolous, to be honest. But this one is well written and makes you care about the characters, beyond just shipping them. (Which, incidentally, is amusing now that I think about it. Shipping the two main characters, I mean. Because they're on a ship. So you're shipping a ship that's already on a ship. Or maybe that's not actually all that funny and it's just my weird humor coming out. Who knows.)

I think one of the reasons its somewhat different than any romance story I've read is because the main characters are somewhat conflicted about liking the other, the female main especially. It adds a wonderful sense of three-dimension to them, since they're doing more than quietly going 'Ooh I like them and want to be with them for the rest of my life' and swooning idiotically over the other. It brings in reality and just a tiny hint of conflict, fleshing everything-- not just the characters, but the plot too-- out quite nicely.

I also happened to ship another ship that I didn't think was happened but a tiny hint was dropped that it maybe could, which I was happy about.

The characters were well rounded. Caspian is a dear, and Eden is also really sweet. Reed is a tiny cutie and Gage is wonderful. I also like Ivy, and Aimee is... okay. I slightly share Matthew's opinion of her. Her snootiness, anyhow.
I was ever so slightly disappointed in Eden, because she didn't attempt to learn how to protect herself. But I'm trying to keep reminding myself that, in that time, women weren't expected to know how to defend themselves. So it's not her fault, since she wasn't raised to think like that. And yet, at the same time, she was being attacked and... I dunno.

Like I said before, the plot was decently rounded out for a romance novel. I'll admit I was a tiny bit dissatisfied with the climax, but mainly because my typical reading material is more action/adventure, which requires a different writing style than romance.

So for my rankings, I think I give characters an 8 out of 10
Plot gets a 9 out of 10
Family friendliness is 8 out of 10
And overall is 8.5 out of 10

So yeah. Even if you don't typically like romance books, I recommend you read Swept to Sea. It's very good.

See you all on Monday, if Kathryn doesn't scare you away!!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Monday has been cancelled

Due to scheduling error.
No I did not make a Welcome to Nightvale reference. Absolutely not a fandom I have recently joined. Nope.


I was (Sorry sis-- we were) tagged/nominated by Alex to do the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers thing. Which was kinda good because I may or may not have had no inspiration for character love posts. So off we go! (Kathryn adds: Thank you very much Alex- I've actually been really excited to do something like this. :3)

  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
  2. Put the Award logo on your blog.
  3. Answer the ten questions sent to you.
  4. Make up ten new questions for your nominees to answer.
  5. Nominate ten blogs.
#1 If you were a superhero, what would your costume look like?
R: Oh goodness... Well, I'll start with what my power would be because that would probably heavily influence it. I've been told I could have superspeed or the ability to shapeshift. Both of which would, frankly, be quite awesome. But I'm guessing my power would be something more useless, like the one I slightly already have. I can summon flies, but not control them. Any time I'm anywhere, flies just.... appear. But I can't make them go away or pester someone other than me. Which is unfortunate. So my costume would probably have fly-like themes. Maybe gossamer-ish wings as a cape? Or weird goggles? The bodysuit would probably be a weird grey-brown-ick color.
K: Hmm... something practical and anonymous. No capes. Plus a mask- totally! Gotta keep that secret identity a secret! A full face mask too, not a silly eye mask or anything, and a voice disruptor whatever those things are called.
#2 When did you start writing?
R: I... Don't remember. I've written pretty much since I could type, but I don't quite count that, since it was mainly ripoffs up until three or four years ago when I finished my first story.
K: I dabbled in writing since I was a young one, but really the first story I tried to write was a Redwall fanfiction when I was..... 10 years old maybe? I've been writing for about 8 years.
#3 Other hobbies besides writing?
R: Reading, drawing, watching too many animes, spending too much time on the computer or online on my phone...
K: Reading right before lights out is good, and I also like to watch tv shows and anime with Rebecca before reading. I play too much on Flight Rising, a sort of pokemon dragon game that is very cool- and along that line, I'm finally getting into video games. I'm enjoying Skyrim (gosh which version am I even playing? The one with the dragonborn.... anyone remember the name??) a lot- so many side quests!
#4 Marvel or DC Comics?
R: Marvel. Although there are some DC things I like... For example, the Flash and the Arrow.
K: Honestly, I don't feel like I've been exposed to enough DC Comics stuff to really have an opinion one way versus the other. I'm still pretty new to the super hero world.
#5 What’s your favorite character you’ve ever written?
R: Oh lord. Umm, well, I have two that have recently appeared that are amazing but don't actually belong to a story yet. One is kind of clinically insane (She can hear voices of dead people in her head but she's not actually crazy) and the other had a bit of a god complex? So yeah, there's those special ducklings. Then there's the villain in my current story that I have a WHOLE LOT OF FEELS ABOUT because no bby that's not how you do things no hon stop and, of course, there's always the mc I wrote with Alex. Cecil darling is wonderful and special and a unique main character, if I do say so myself.
K: There's a role play character that I wrote for a while called Izza that I've been thinking about lately. Though the role play didn't last she was super fun to play and I'm definitely filing away her information so I can use her again.

#6 Favorite character you’ve ever read?
R:Oh... Umm... Oh gosh... I guess... Michael from the Michael Vey series? He's not my ultimate fav-- I don't know if I have one, to be honest. ^-^;-- but he's still a really good main.
K: How can I choose this? There are so many great ones! How about I give two? Graves from the Strange Angels series- Rebecca's talked about him before- and Sage from The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen. Graves is a precious dear boy who goes with the flow as best as he can and he just cares so much- and then there's Sage, wonderful snarky sassy Sage. Both have a background of hurt and are trying to overcome it, which just increases the love.

#7 Favorite food?
R:ANYTHING SWEET Like.... I love sugar. Oo- or anything sour. Or salty. OH GOODNESS SOUR GUMMY WORMS *Elated gasp* I used to not be able to have them because of my braces but as of a year or two ago I can again and it's AMAZING *Coughs* Erm. Yeh....
K: Mint Moose Tracks. My bae forever. Precious rivers of chocolate in a land of mint... And honestly, vegetarian sausage is surprisingly good.

#8 Favorite TV show?
R: ....Augh. Okay. Probably Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood. Beautiful plotline, wonderful realistic characters, very relatible on my part. And for my favorite non-anime, probably Agents of Shield. Because yes.
K: Oh no. Don't make me choose. I'm gonna go with one here..... Avatar: The Last Airbender. Wonderfully developed characters, interesting plot, meaningful and thought provoking... plus- and this is silly- they have easily identified fandom signs. It bothers me that Teenwolf has nothing like Doctor Who's TARDIS or BBC Sherlock's scarf, but A:TLA has Aang's arrows and Appa and the various nation's symbols... *sigh of contentment*
#9 Which District do you belong to?
R: I honestly think I'd be in 11. Because I'm amazing at climbing trees and I really love doing it.
K: My heart says 4, but my head says the Capital. I can be silly and easily caught up in things, refusing to look at what is right in front of me because I can't handle it.... and I sort of love their fashion, if only they'd tone it down a smidge. Just- that butterfly dress!
#10 What’s your OTP? (and yes, you can only have ONE. MWAHAHAHA, yes I am evil!)
 R: Alex, I'm still mad at you for specifying one. *Squints* Anyhoo, my ultimate OTP... I don't know if I have a ship I ship above all other ships. But I think I'll go with Dru and Graves, from Strange Angels. Because they're amazing together and they aren't overly sappy and it just makes sense.
K: Just one? Just one. Okay then. Okay. I have Hunger Games on my mind because of the last question, but even then- Finnick and Annie. Who cares about Team Gale or Team Peeta- I want Team Finnick/Annie! That's all I care about is that ship- right there! *Chokes down spoilers*  
Aaaaand since we don't have ten followers, let's do the honor system! If you read this and want to do it, then give it a shot!
And now for our questions!

#1 Favorite soda?
#2 Favorite villain?
#3 Last unfinished book you wrote?
#4 Last book you didn't finish reading and why?
#5 What two animals would you combine into a hybrid and why?
#6 Least favorite hero?
#7 What books did you grow up reading?
#8 Do you have trouble finding character pictures?
#9 Ebook or physical book or both?

#10 Last song you listened to?

 And I guess that's all for today! I'll be posting a review on Thursday, like normal.
Thanks for dropping by!
~Kathryn (I'll see y'all on Saturday- promise!!!)

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Soul Eater Review

One word to describe this show.


The characters are good- although a few of them (Looking at you, Black Star.) start off a little annoying. Despite that, however, they really grow on you. The plot is somewhat short, at only 51 episodes, but good. All of your questions concerning the plot gets answered, and the ending is very satisfactory.

I did a little bit of looking and I'm uncertain if any more episodes will be coming out. The ravings of fans isn't quite something to base it off of. ;-) I'm kind of hoping there will be more, but if not, that's okay. Like I said, it ends nicely so far.

Overall ranking for Soal Eater is 8.5 out of 10.
Character ranking is probably 9.5 out of 10.
Plotline is 8 out of 10 (Takes it a few episodes to kick off, plus it's somewhat short. And yes, I'm aware how strange it is to dock a point off because it's short. Just.... don't question me too much, okay?)
Art is 8 out of 10 (Good, but a little odd sometimes.)
Family Friendliness is probably 7 out of 10. One character basically is the embodiment of insanity, and another character goes insane. And two others have/had potential to go insane. So while it's not bad, it probably wouldn't be all that great to watch with a really little one.
Short version?
should watch this show.
Thanks for dropping by and I shall see you Monday if Kathryn doesn't scare you off!!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Character Love: Michael from the Michael Vey series

Michael is a wonderful character.

He's both the stereotypical main character, and yet not.

For one thing, he has a... not a disability, but something that makes him more human. He has Tourette's.

The reason I love that so much, is that it, like I said, makes him seem more human. It gives him a flaw. It adds more to his character. It makes him interesting. Which honestly isn't 100% necessary, since he's already interesting without that. I mean, hello? A character with electricity powers?? If that isn't the coolest thing, I don't know what is.
Truthfully, I'm extremely happy the author gave him Tourette's. Because people with disabilities need representation just as much as people of color. I'm not saying everyone should go hog-wild and start giving everyone a disability, but it is nice to have a main character with a disability but isn't limited by it. Because people with disabilities aren't always limited by them.

Michael also has a great personality, abet a slightly stereotypical of one. He's loyal, brave, sensible, noble, smart, careful yet reckless... And despite being similar to the typical main-character cookiecutter, he also manages to have a different and unique feeling. Maybe it's because the author wrote him like an actual person. Like, you can tell there's more going on in his head than just what's being shown. Michael's complex, and the author gets that across without having to say anything about it.
It's nice. I like it.

 What about you guys? Do you have any characters you like, be they the characters of others or yourself, that are disabled?

See you on Thursday with a review!!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Summer break, we meet at last

Wow, two weeks without a post from me, my apologies dear ones. School really wrapped me around its finger and slung me everywhere. But guess what.... I'm free!!! Kathryn's a free elf now!!

From 3rd grade until high school graduation I was home schooled, and this meant a schedule that went pretty much all year round. School loving me- guess what- actually loved that. Summer break? Spring break? Winter break? What was that? Why even take off that much time?? We took the month off after testing, and then it was back to the grindstone!

But now I'm in college, and let me tell you, my eyes have been opened to the glory of summer break.

I have time to write! I have time to read! I have time to watch tv shows and anime! I can make craft stuff! I don't have to stress about deadlines! Wow! Bring out the confetti folks!

I don't have big plans for this summer, really. I had thought about taking an on-campus summer class, just to test out the residential waters, but meh. I'll take the frigid dive in fall, I don't want to shorten summer beak!

So there's no telling how much I'll actually get done, but I'll enjoy the break... until I start longing for the structure school gives my day. And then I'll call myself an idiot and go edit my story, because that book won't write itself.

Have you glimpsed the glory of summer break, or experienced it's slender? Do you like it, or have no need for it, or wish it was shorter? Do you have any plans for any kind of respite in school?

I'll post again next Saturday!

Monday, May 11, 2015

Character Love: Kamina from Gurren Lagann

Kathryn says sorry once again for no post. She just finished up this semester with college, and we'd been out of town. But I believe she's on break now, so expect at least a post from her! (*Mumbles* Even if I have to force her to sit down and write one.... Ahem. )

For today's character love post, I'm going to be fawning over Kamina from Gurren Lagann, the anime I'm currently watching and about to finish.
This is Kamina. Kamina is awesome. All you need to know, really.

Kamina. Is. Wonderful.

He is probably my favorite character on the show. He's funny, caring, dramatic, brave, sensible yet irrational. (He's sensibly irrational. Irrational for a reason. Something like that.) He's great for the main character, since poor baby Simon has some confidence issues in the beginning of the anime.

 Some people could-- and do-- say Kamina is too reckless and flamboyant. While that is true, it's not exactly a bad thing. If the mc is timid, they need someone to forcefully boot them out of their shell. Which is pretty much exactly what Kamina ends up doing. He's part of the reason Simon ends up doing what he does.

 I'll be the first to admit that Kamina has an ego and does not mind flouting it. His trademark line is "Just who the hell do you think I am?!" followed by some dramatic statement of who he is. Which typically includes 'leader of Team Gurren' at some point. But instead of being annoying, it's just another reason I like him.

He doesn't give a damn about what other people think of him and will happily squash their ideas about him with some dramatic line, flamboyant flourish, or epic fighting move. He revels in putting enemies in their place (which is lower than him) but he doesn't do it out of cruelty and, if a friend thinks they're less than him, he'll be the first to correct them. "Believe in the me that believes in you!!" is a line that he uses several times on Simon, and each time, it works in boosting the baby's confidence.

 Secretly, though, Kamina is just as scared of everything going on as Simon is. He wouldn't let it show-- goodness no. He ain't gonna pull no Elsa. Unmanly. But he does end up confiding in a character later on in the show. She just listens and doesn't really say anything, which is exactly what Kamina needed.

 So his flamboyance and dramatics are just his mask. His comfort blanket. Which is something I can relate to, to a degree. I'm not walking around challenging who the hell people think I am, but I'm often not as chipper and confident as I appear.

Basically, Kamina is a darling cupcake who is precious and needs to be fought alongside. Because he'd clobber you if you tried to defend him.

Oh- and if you liked Pacific Rim, you'd probably like Gurren Lagann. Just sayin'. ;-)

Thanks for dropping by and stop by again for a review on Thursday!!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Blast of Tempest Review

Blast of Tempest has a very well thought out plot, and even my critic of a sister agrees. Typically she's looking at me going "But they could have done this and that wouldn't have happened" or "But if they did this then it would be so much easier to...!" but with Blast of Tempest... I'm honestly not sure if I heard a single theory on how they could better achieve their goal.

Besides being well thought out, the plot is also extremely interesting. If you like BBCs Merlin, Sherlock, or Doctor Who, I highly recommend you watch Blast of Tempest, since it's got it's fair share of magic and a hint of time travel, wrapped up as a murder mystery type story, since the main characters are looking for the murderer of someone they knew.

Speaking of the characters, both mains are wonderful. They aren't your typical hero, which is a refreshing change from "I'm gonna save the world!!"

Mahiro just wants to track down his sister's killer and kill him, because he feels like it's not quite fair that he got away clean. And if he happens to save the world in the process, well, that's a happy coincidence.

Yoshino's motives are a little harder to pin down, since he just kind of ends up tagging along with Mahiro. I think he joined up with him because- well- they're friends, and he's also possibly ever so slightly worried that Mahiro would do something stupid.
Which is exceptionally possible.

The third main character, Hakaze, doesn't exactly show up a whole lot until midway through the season. But she's awesome as well. Not quite your standard heroine in the way that she doesn't seem solely there to be a love interest, or a weapon of mass destruction. She's a nice balance between the two, since she does end up getting a massive crush on Yoshino.

I love the art style of Blast of Tempest, since it's the most realistic anime style I've seen yet. They don't often ignore physics, unlike some (*cough* most *cough*) animes, unless the magic is involved. The character designs are wonderful, as is the scenery. It has a really nice clean feeling, that's also somehow mature. If that makes any sense.

So now for the ranking!
Characters are a 9 out of 10
Plot is a 10 out of 10
Art is a 9 out of 10
Family friendliness is probably around a 7 out of 10. One character needs to wear a tanktop and leggings, and the intricacies of the plot might sail over the heads of younger kids. Beyond that, it's not a bad anime to watch around people.

So, over all, I give Blast of Tempest an 8.5 out of 10!

 Do any of you have any suggestions on something for me to read/watch and then write a review on?

Thanks for dropping by and I shall see you on Monday, if Kathryn doesn't scare you off!

Monday, May 4, 2015

(Late) Beautiful People Siblings Tag:

Hello all!!

Kathryn apologizes for no post on Saturday. School bombed her at the same time we were out of town.

There was a character linkup for April aimed towards siblings. I was, obviously, too late to post it during April, but I figured I might as well post it today. So mine will be about Cecil and Vil, from the story that another blogger (Alexa) and I wrote. The story is about the two brothers, who are living in a dystopian society where anyone with a mental or physical disability is taken away, brainwashed, "upgraded" and forced into military service.
This is Cecil. He's got a bad hand that the boys try to hide from the society so he won't be taken away. He's a little bit (okay, a lot) of a scaredy cat, and his automatic reaction to danger is to freeze. He's a precious baby, and is very sweet and caring, although a bit of a pushover.
This is Vil. He's the older of the two, and is fiercely protective of Cecil. If he isn't a psychopath or a sociopath, he's scarily close. He's charming and charismatic, and quite frankly terrifying at some points in the book, but he's still a bit of a sweetie too.

So now on to the questions!!

1. What is the first memory they have of each other?
Cecil's first memory of Vil is him defending Cec from bullies, since Darling is always wearing gloves to hide his hand. Vil's memory of Cecil is seeing Cec as a two-year-old, noticing his hand and realizing, even at a young age, that bad things would happen if people found out about it. And, for some reason, he decides that their parents can't be trusted and takes it upon himself to protect Cecil.
2. Describe their relationship in 3 words.
I'm going to use one word for each of the boys, then a word that they both would use.
For Cecil, their relationship is safe. He doesn't have to hide his hand or anything else from Vil, since he knows his brother will protect him and not care a bit if something is different in him.
For Vil, sanity. Cecil is what keeps him from going over the edge. At one point in the story, something happens to Vil and Cecil is devastated. If the same thing were to happen, but with the boys reversed, Vil would snap. He'd go crazy and probably literally start killing anything and everything around him. Cecil is his moral compass and what keeps him grounded.
For both of them, defense. Because one is the defender, the other is the defendee. And, while Cec is the defendee, he is also willing to at least try to step up for Vil, although that hardly ever happens.
3. What kind of things do they like to do together? 
They don't really have a favorite thing to do together, they just like being around each other. It's the only spot that either boy can act like himself, and it's just comfortable.
4. What was their biggest fight?
They never really have a big fight-- ever-- but there was a disagreement about what Cecil was allowed to do in the rebellion. Vil wanted him to do pretty much nothing, since he's overprotective, and Cecil was finally starting to want to step up and help with something. So there is a couple moments in the book where they get irked with each other over that.
5. How far would they go to save each other?
*Cackles* Waaaaay too far. The better question would be "Where would they stop?"
6. What are their pet peeves about each other?
Cecil doesn't like it when Vil tries to prevent him from doing the things he wants to do, like lend a hand in the rebellion.
Vil has an extremely buried pet-peeve that he hasn't realized exists, he's buried it so far down. His pet-peeve is that Cecil won't do anything. And yes, we know how ironic that is considering the fact that he won't let him do anything.
7. What are their favorite things about each other?
Oddly enough, Cecil's favorite thing about Vil is the same exact thing as his pet-peeve. I think it's because he knows that his brother loves him and is trying to keep him safe. And quite frankly, he wouldn't have lived this long if it wasn't for Vil. No joke. Cecil's hopeless in the beginning of the book.
For Vil, it's how sweet his brother is. But it's not just even that. Vil wishes he could be more like Cecil. He admires his brother's innocence, despite how much junk has gone down in their past, and wants to protect that innocence, even if it turns him into a monster.
8. What traits do they share? Mannerisms, clothing, quirks, looks, etc?
The boys look a lot alike, except for their eye color and their overall build. Add a little more meat to Cecil's bones and take away his perpetual scared look, and the boys could be twins.
They dress different, since Vil acts like a chameleon, changing as needed to match expectations, whereas Cecil just tries to hide. So Cecil's clothing leans more towards nondescript and Vil's is more in the direction of preppy, then in the Enforcer's uniform.
The boys don't quite have any shared mannerisms, although Alexa and I debated if Vil had a few of Cecil's minor coping mechanisms. Like, rubbing a hand with his thumb or something else subtle. He would only do things like that around Cecil, since anywhere else, it would mean that his walls were too far down. It's also a subtle way to let Cecil know whats up with him without speaking.
9. Who has the strongest personality?
Vil. Unarguably, undoubtedly Vil.
10. How does their relationship change throughout your story?
Heh, their relationship becomes more normal. Because Cecil becomes more independent and Vil backs off a little. He's still protective, but not as bad as it was, since he realizes that Cec is growing up. Cecil also learns that he doesn't need Vil as much as the thought he did, that his brother doesn't have to be his security blanket.

I shall see you all on Thursday with a review!! Thanks for looking!!