Thursday, May 21, 2015

Soul Eater Review

One word to describe this show.


The characters are good- although a few of them (Looking at you, Black Star.) start off a little annoying. Despite that, however, they really grow on you. The plot is somewhat short, at only 51 episodes, but good. All of your questions concerning the plot gets answered, and the ending is very satisfactory.

I did a little bit of looking and I'm uncertain if any more episodes will be coming out. The ravings of fans isn't quite something to base it off of. ;-) I'm kind of hoping there will be more, but if not, that's okay. Like I said, it ends nicely so far.

Overall ranking for Soal Eater is 8.5 out of 10.
Character ranking is probably 9.5 out of 10.
Plotline is 8 out of 10 (Takes it a few episodes to kick off, plus it's somewhat short. And yes, I'm aware how strange it is to dock a point off because it's short. Just.... don't question me too much, okay?)
Art is 8 out of 10 (Good, but a little odd sometimes.)
Family Friendliness is probably 7 out of 10. One character basically is the embodiment of insanity, and another character goes insane. And two others have/had potential to go insane. So while it's not bad, it probably wouldn't be all that great to watch with a really little one.
Short version?
should watch this show.
Thanks for dropping by and I shall see you Monday if Kathryn doesn't scare you off!!

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